Tuesday, 27 December 2016

setting MAXMEM on servers in an Always On group

  1. No restarts required
  2. Use the following to set MAXMEM to 60GB (SQL had 64GB RAM so we left 4GB for the OS)

Enable advanced options:
USE master
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

Set the maximum amount of memory to 64 MB:
USE master
EXEC sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', 

Then refresh SSMS and review updated value in Properties

Thursday, 15 December 2016

SharePoint Information Architecture Diagram

Here is the template I use for Information Architecture designs. It's built using Mindjet and I flesh the nodes out with the low level detail to build a comprehensive and easily readable document - some of the nodes on this one I've already started populating with the customised/third party solutions being used at this site (see Site Definitions, Records Management etc) - you get the idea - it grows...

Could also add Search top level node to this

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Infopath substring function - use it to remove semi-colon

Doing some InfoPath and used the substring function with a nested string length function to remove the trailing semi-colon from a username

The username was stored in a list column called Workflow_To Notify

The substring function takes three arguments

1 - The text string which in this case is defined in the @workflow_ToNotify attribute

2 - The starting point - InfoPath starts counting at 1

3 - Use this with string-length and -1 to remove the last character - in this case the semi-colon

Happy SharePointing... InfoPathing... you know... whatever's your ing

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Managing SharePoint: Truncating the Log file on the Always On secondary

Had an issue where the backup had stopped running and the transaction logs were full

How to resolve this is an always on environment?

  1. On the Primary: Set the recovery model of the Config DB to Simple
  2. Full backup
  1. Remove from Availability group - now the configDB exists on Primary but it is not synching to the Secondary

  1. On the Secondary: Delete the config DB

Did you just say delete the config DB??? - Yes, it's on the secondary. It's ok. The Primary isrunning and not in the AG

  1. On the Primary: Shrink the Log files to 1,024MB - just the logs
  2. Add the Config DB back to the AOAG

And all was well again - time for a coffee

SharePoint Solution checker

Here is a nice little script I use to audit Solutions:

#This loads the SharePoint assemblies

asnp *sh* -ea 0

#Start solution audit

$allsolutions = (get-spsolution).SolutionID

($solution in $allsolutions)
$filteredfeaturelist = get-SPFeature | where {$_.SolutionID -eq "$solution"}
write-host -background Blue Name = $filteredfeaturelist.DisplayName
write-host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black Version = $filteredfeaturelist.ReceiverAssembly
write-host ""


SharePoint roles: Site Owner vs Site Moderator

These roles are often used in SharePoint deployments

Here is a break of the typical responsibilities:

Site Owner
Responsibilities: The Site Owner is formally responsible for the content of the site. He/she defines the overall purpose and need for the site, functional requirements (including components and layout), and makes high-level decisions about the site’s maintenance (such as closure/decommissioning of the site when no longer required). The Site Owner is also responsible for defining access permissions for the site, taking into account the need for collaboration as well as the potential sensitivity of the content involved.
Suggested person: The person within the organisation who is deemed responsible for the group/activity/function for which the site was created. Ideally a Manager (Team Leader or higher), Project Manager or Committee/Group member.

Site Moderator

Responsibilities: The Site Moderator is responsible for the general administration of the site. Tasks may include: performing user management within the available security groups on approval of the Site Owner; resolving document check-out issues; maintaining the site’s folder structure; first-line contact person for site members; raising tickets in case of technical issues. The Site Moderator is not responsible for making decisions about the site’s content; these are responsibilities of the Site Owner.

SharePoint Information Architecture Diagram

Here is the template I use for Information Architecture designs. It's built using Mindjet and I flesh the nodes out with the low level d...